Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Laundry Blues

As I was loading the washing machine and longing for the day I come back to my BIG American washing machine, as opposed to the tiny one here which washes 3 pairs of jeans max, I noticed the directions on the TIDE package:

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Kind of puts a whole new "spin" --no pun intended--- on the idea of laundry!

So next time you grumble about doing the laundry, remember all these millions of Indian women who follow the directions above because they don't have a washer! I know I'll be more grateful...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

More fish photos!

If I grit my teeth, I can keep my feet in the water...

After several minutes, we are able to relax...

See explanation on the previous post!
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Fish Feeding Frenzy

It will all be worth it in the end, Lynn...
Okay, I'm freaking!

Lisa and Carole (I mean Carole ) braved it first. Lisa finally took the plunge!

I had heard about the fish pedicure last summer on Good Morning America and when I saw it advertised here in Chennai, I knew I had to give it a try. Anything for my poor feet! Obviously for something this bizarre (hear the Jaws theme song playing in your head) I enlisted the support and participation of three friends. So Lynn, Lisa, Carole and myself set out for Temple Bay to give it a try. It was a very bizarre sensation to have hundreds of little fish nibbling away at the dead skin on your feet, almost like a electrical, effervescent sensation. As you can see from the pictures below, at the beginning you just want to yank your feet out, but after awhile you get used to it and it's pretty relaxing. My feet are softer, but I won't say they are fabulous. I think you would need to go pretty regularly to see any benefits. Lisa found out that these fish from Turkey are even used to treat people with psoriasis or other skin conditions. How interesting is that? So for any of you planning to visit us, let me know if you're up for a fish pedicure!!!