Thursday, April 30, 2009

Strike up the bandh!

No the title is not a typo. Here in India a "bandh" IS a strike! Those of us who have lived here very long are pretty unfazed by these fairly frequent events. We just know to stay home or at least not go into the city since either stores and offices will be closed or traffic will be total chaos! Either way, I don't need much incentive to stay put in my house. Last Thursday there was a strike in support of the Tamil refugees so all transportation was out. No trains, buses, autorickshaws (unless the form of transportation was run by the opposing political party which did not shut down some trains, etc!!!) As I said, better to just stay home!
This week there was an article about a possible airline personnel strike which would effect the Chennai airport which is scheduled to start May 1. I'm sure this is all a bluff because I KNOW they would not shut down the airport the month before I am heading home!!! Otherwise, you will hear me roar :)
For another interesting take on the newspapers in Chennai check out a friend's comments :

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